Have you ever tried to resize or blow up a raster image? If yes, then you must be aware of the disgusting quality that appears on your computer screen. You will also reckon how annoying it is to view a pixelated image on the screen. If you want to get rid of such disturbing experience and improve visibility and print quality of a logo, portrait, landscape scenery, etc., take vector illustration services from the best in U.K. By converting anything printable into a vector artwork, you will have high resolution print quality. So let’s look at the five best thing about vector artwork you should know.
What is vector artwork?
A vector artwork is made up of geometric shapes using pen tool in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and CorelDraw applications. These applications help in converting any bitmap, jpeg, and raster image into line art using nodes. No matter from what position on the image you start using nodes, you can easily close and fill them with any colour you want. Since the positions of nodes are relative to each other, rescaling to any size becomes easier. Even the computer doesn’t face any problem in reading or rendering nodes. So by opting to convert image to vector, you can create a library of graphics that you can re-work on for ‘n’ number of times.
Vector artwork boost brand promoting
The one reason why vector art services are growing worldwide is the ease and confidence in brand promoting. With the help of vector artwork you can have access and flexibility to scale up or shrink the vector artwork without losing quality. You can enlarge it to any percentage and still have sharp edges, line thickness as required, and also control percentage of transparency and opacity. Since promotional item has to spell quality and generate confidence in customers, seeking best designing service is vital.
Uploading and file size
Since online presence is must for businesses, uploading a logo and other promotional items on the internet becomes a usual affair. This is where vector artwork comes handy since they are easy to upload and their file sizes are relatively lower than raster images. Moreover, you can convert any ideas or sketches into vector artwork using right tools and with basic training. With ready-to-use vector file, you can instantly run an online promotional campaign and attract prospective customers. So convert jpg to vector and convey the right message to your target audience for vector artworks are the best form of digital illustration.
Wide usage of vector artwork
Besides promoting business, vector artworks are also used in creating animation. In fact, no animation movies can be completed without vector artworks. Using line art in creative profession has provided a new refined momentum to the world of animation. There are many animation studios that hire talented artists or get vector artwork conversion service from a reputed firm. Once you have vector artwork ready, you can command it to function or animate any way you want.
Customizing logo
A logo creates an identity for a company and may contain an image and text in any shape. By taking vector conversion service, you can convert text to outlines. It will prune away the need to install the specific font on each computer where the logo is used. When the text is converted to outlines, the computer will read it an image and not text.
Going by these five best things about vector artwork, one thing is clear that promoting a brand is impossible with vector conversion service. So contact WBS for vector artwork services and get a booster for your business.