Just like an engineering drawing needs precision, same way, embroidered logos must have symmetry and alignment. To achieve accuracy in digitizing is not easy though. Especially, when the logo contains letters. Extra care and efforts need to be implemented to aid the embroidery machine stitch readable and visible text. If you are starting or running embroidery digitizing services, here are few things you need to know.
Lettering size
One of the challenges in logo embroidery digitizing services is designing small text lettering. Whether the text in the logo is of one or more alphabets, it needs to be large enough for easy reading and visibility. As a thumb rule, the capital letters must be of 4mm in height. In case the text is a combination of capital and small letters, then the height of each letter should be 5mm. Besides height, maintaining the width of the alphabets at 0.8 – 1 mm is must. This will make your client’s logo readable from a long distance.
Needle and thread thickness
For custom embroidery digitizing services, it’s better to use smaller needle and thinner thread. When the needle is smaller, the letter will be smaller. Similarly, when the thread is thinner, the letter can be smaller. You need to know the meaning of numbers assigned to threads. Thread No. 60 is 25% less thicker than thread No. 40. So when 60-weight thread is used for digitizing, the letters will be 25% smaller as contrast to thread no. 40. But the size of needle and thread is not the only parameter for perfect letter.
Closed Loop Lettering
Alphabets such as o, p, q, and b have closed loops. These letters pose a challenge in custom embroidery digitizing. The key thing to digitize perfect small letters is to use low density stitches, which will give letters enough space and the open space won’t be closed. Use 0.45mm radius for the looped space.
Maintain stitch and fabric density
Perfect embroidery designs UK are those that maintain stitch and fabric density. With experience, you will come to know that the stitch density should match the fabric used for sewing the letters on. If high density stitches are used on light-weight fabric, the letters would be not be stitched smoothly, and the edges will appear jagged.
WBS is a reputed name in UK for custom embroidery services. We have a team of experienced graphic designers, digitizers, and artists who are best in the embroidery industry and ready to take any custom digitizing challenges.